Train Station

  • User Rating:
  • 8.4
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • !DC!Greyhnd

  • Date:
  • 04/15/2007

  • File Size:
  • 13.7M


A train station with bases in two corners of the map surrounded by vehicles and cover.

File Notes

The map is a basic box map resembling, in some sense, a train station. There are two identical bases in two corners of the map surrounded by vehicles and cover. Each base is two stories high and has a balcony on the second floor. In one of the other two corners of the map are a small forest hiding one end of a teleporter. The last corner contains a climbable water tower with the other end of the teleporter at its base. Through the middle of the map to trains tracks run parallel and two trains run approximately 2/3 of the way across the map from either end. Some of the train cars have ladders to climb over them, and some have doorways to get through them. Also, two ramps, one on the outside of each train, allow vehicles to get across the trains if they don't want to go around. There is a small cliff ledge on one side of the map between one of the bases and the small forest.

I hope you enjoy playing this level as much as I enjoyed creating it.


Credit goes to me, !DC!Greyhnd, for the models and all of the bump map textures.
Credit also to Mayang's Free Texture Library at
BerneyBoy for his PhotoRealistic Texture Pack, from which some of the texture used were obtained.
And of course Gearbox and Bungie for the Halo CE game engine and all they've done for us.

Also to my good friend !DC!Sandman, who helped me test this map and to all my fellow !DC! clan members, who provided support and encouragement throughout the process.

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User Submitted Screenshots

Train station

woot! caught some air!!