Ancient Evils Test Map

  • User Rating:
  • 7.1
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • Adolif

  • Date:
  • 08/13/2009

  • File Size:
  • 14.2M


A New Mombassa Variant with AI bots and new bipeds and play style

File Notes

I've been working on a new campaign map for Halo CE, but as I worked, I always thought, "will people like it?" I also wanted my youtube friends to play it before its good releases. So I decided to release this testing map for some of the content, which includes a small amount of samples of what will be the final result. The map is designed for a single-player server, but multiple players are supported. (Slayer Only!)


1500 years ago, the ancient "gods" of all the civilizations really existed....except they weren't gods. They were Earthly beings, like us, that happened to have strong powers and ruled over us. Though, one Roman man bansihed them away to another dimension that's smilar to hell. In 2021 A.D, a woman digs up an artifact...which happens to be what banished the monsters away....and what may be the key to helping them return. Later, the main character, a girl in New York city, finds her mother coming come with the artifact. The main character plays around with the ancient object and ends up obtaining the monsters' powers. But then the monsters return through a portal in the sky, and you're humanity's only hope. You don't need have something better....your hands!


-Bsp = New Mombasa's IS a test map afterall.
-Music from an old 1990's game.
-New player biped (the main character)
-4 ai bots using a new biped
-No guns, just powers, which include:

-Telekinesis (Press the action key to choose a random vehicle in the map, and then the vehicle that's randomly picked is yours to control. This ONLY works with one player in the server!)

-Thermal Vision (Press zoom to activate)

-A simple gun-like-simulation with powers

-The ability to throw fireballs.


-The lighting is glitchey and WILL be fixed in the future

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