Arctic Wasteland V2
File Category:
Halo CE Maps
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File Notes
If you move away from the White Civ hog, the turret doesnt re-appear anymore
Biped doesnt shoot out active camos in a netgame anymore
Spartan Stealth Pelican- fixed firing animations
MA2b- fixed sounds and a new animation added
MA2b reload sound now in sync with animation
Flash Cannon removed from map
vehicles now have collision when you restart the game
MA2B collision fixed
single open edge in the bloodgulch base fixed
MA2B physics improved
Black Mongoose- Materiels fixed
supports all game types except race (no body plays race anyway)
Armor: Stealth Mark V- ONI was finaly able to replicate the elites' lightbending technology Press Q
(or the flashlight button) and you become invisible for a short time
The Stealth Mark V armor is lighter allowing you to execute perfect acrobatic manuvers;
press space to perform an ariel front tuck (front flip)
M41 Turret- high powered 50 Caliber turret
Spartan Stealth Pelican: 2 extra chainguns added and is not detected by the motion tracker
Guass Warthog: unchanged
Warthog: unchanged
Ghost: unchanged
Black Mongoose: Re-skinned and sped up
Spectre: unchanged
White Civ hog: extremly fast and can carry 1 passenger for quick get-aways with the flag
stuff made by (DA)Ender:
MA2B assault rifle- modeled, animated and tagged by (DA)Ender
white civ hog: modeled, animated and tagged by (DA)Ender
black mongoose- re-skinned and tagged by (DA)Ender
spartan stealth pelican- re-modeled and re-animated and tagged by (DA)Ender (spartan decals and ender decal by
H2 rocket launcher- modeled by (DA)Ender
Biped: skinned animated and tagged by (DA)Ender
**you may use any of these tags as long as proper credit is given.
i obtained permission from Tiamat to use some of his tags from hugeass
i also obtained permission from Baturkin17 to use his Baconsracetrack and Bacons_race_trackV2 tags.
some tags we're obtained with HEK plus. some names are unknown because the creator of the map
was unknown or anonymous
Spartan Pelican- tagged by (DA)Ender\decals by {BT}Skyline
Teleporter frame- Tiamat (used with permission)
Rfrailgun- [DD]Zion (public download)
MA2B Assault rifle- Modeled by (DA)Ender\skinned by Tiamat\tagged by (DA)Ender\animated by (DA)Ender
Stealth Mark V biped- skinned by (DA)Ender/ animated by (DA)Ender\effects added by (DA)Ender
Npelican GBX model- Tiamat (public download)
Battle rife, SMG, and Magnum tags- Knave (public Download)
Scout- PDummy & Captain Lag (public download)
C4- Tiamat (public download)
Brute plasma rifle tags- Jackbauer
H2-Plasma rifle tags- Jackbauer
Sky- siege
BSP structure- (DA)Ender
Anti-armor rifle- Tiamat (used with permission)
Dual magnum tags- Knave (public download)
Bloodgulch base: modeled by Bloodthirstyemu\tagged by (DA)Ender
Human turret- halo 2 ce team (public download)
Scarab rifle projectiles by (DA)Ender
Nuke projectiles by Tiamat (used with permission)
Black mongoose: re-skinned by (DA)Ender\tagged by (DA)Ender
White civ hog: re-skinned by (DA)Ender\modelded by (DA)Ender\tagged by (DA)Ender
Spectre: Tiamat (used with permission)
Firedragon\Bloodthirstyemu- for the hog garage
H2_sniperrifle- (DA)Elite
Revolver: Jahrain
SPW: offspring
beta testers: