File Category:
Halo CE Maps
Banshee Ace 2
File Size:
A single room filled with new weapons made for close up fighting
File Notes
Map: Dojo (7 All New Weapons)
Okay... the map itself is crappy but the weapons is what makes it fun... I made all the weapons in this map:
- chronoscepter beta 2
- hyper_flame beta
- plasma_bomb_launcher
- energy_sword
- spear
- katana
- needle_grenade
There are no old weapons in this map... It's all 100% new custom made guns...
* if you could get better pics i would appreiciate it...
New Gametype: Swordfighting
basically this is what you do: you find a sword (you should already be holding one)
fight another person with a sword (or melee weapon) fight in the middle of the map where there are lots of room.
Regular Gameplay Experience:
You guys will have lots of fun with the new guns... i'm sure of it... i've been working on these... here's what each gun does:
chronoscepter: shoots a big red bomb and when it takes impact (or maximum distance) it will explode a big red explosion that can kill in one hit if you are playing 100%. however to balance this gun's power, it overheats after one shot, and you'll have to wait 60-70 seconds before you can fire it again and it loses 1/3 of all it's battery. It's a good gun to use when you are almost dead.
hyper_flame: this gun still has issues. basically it shoots just like the regular flamethrower except for some reason I gotta fix some markers because the flame shoots the wrong way... and also it has double the maximum ammo in one clip.
plasma_bomb_launcher: this is probably the most funnest weapon to use in this map... it depends if it'll kill in one hit depending on where you are... it shoots out a plasma bomb (with cool looking custom contrail) and when it detonates with spawns 4 big plasma bolts that can take a toll... just use this gun and see... this gun still has issues as far as the model and markers go...
all the melee weapons: the energy_sword has the greatest melee power, then the katana, then the spear is the weakest of the three...
needle_grenade: throw it and it detonates a needle super explosion and it spawns 9 needles...
~Banshee Ace 2~