Lake Serenity

  • User Rating:
  • 7.6
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • ²MõD²Wrath

  • Date:
  • 09/21/2011

  • File Size:
  • 37.5M


A medium sized map centered around a lake

File Notes

Game Types: Race, Ctf ,Oddball, King and Slayer. All work excellent. I recommend playing all 5.

Field Weapons: there is an asortment of weapons, some normal some powerfull, the two most powerfullest
are hidden, not to hard to find once you know what your looking for.

Vechiles: I gave each team 15 vehicles to use for ctf, oddball, king and slayer, race is defualt vehicles
and not used in the other game types.bm_warthog is the fastest, driver/gunner, i forgot to reset its settings
but as it turned out, it was a nice perk to the map.

Map Recommendations, 6-8 players but the more the better.

Known flaws: I couldnt add some of the vehicles i wanted because they dont like the fog in the water. I would have liked to of had air vehicles but because of the trigger volume, you would fly into it and just respawn, id like to come back to this and add a second trigger volume for air ships only to play along side of ground vehicles

you wont die from falling so tele up to treehouse, jump down from it

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